The left side panel allows for the navigation and filtering of the pipeline based on the Opportunity Owners, the Role Hierarchy, the Manager Hierarchy, or other custom team hierarchy configured in your org.
By Owner
Filter and select by specific Opportunity Owners.
- Each Opportunity Owner displays the number of deals, and sum of Amount of their Open Deals*
- Click to filter by a specific deal owner
- Shift+click to multi-select owners
- Click again or use remove link to clear
- Use the search box to find specific deal owner(s)
By Role
Navigate and select based on the Role Hierarchy.
- Navigate your part of role hierarchy
- By default, users will only see their role and below in the hierarchy
- Users can also be granted access to see the full tree regardless of their own spot in it
- Each node shows the open deals and total Amount of open deals *
- Open and close branches of the tree
- Click to filter deals for a specific Role
* If you configure the Amount summary to include Won deals – this panel will show the Open + Won total for each deal owner or role.
User Manager and Custom Trees
The User Manager tree (if enabled) behaves identically to the By Role tree, except that the hierarchy is built from the User Manager relationships instead of the Role Hierarchy. Custom Trees can also be configured based on other relationships, which will likewise behave in the same fashion.